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Not only aid package. Ukrainian Prime Minister summarizes negotiations with Australia

Not only aid package. Ukrainian Prime Minister summarizes negotiations with Australia Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal (photo: Getty Images)

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal held a briefing with Australian Minister of Defense Richard Marles. They discussed assistance to Ukraine and cooperation between the two countries.

Shmyhal said that during the talks, an agreement was reached on several issues of cooperation between the countries. In particular, the countries agreed on:

  • development and signing of a double taxation agreement;
  • Australia's participation in the peace summit in Switzerland.

In addition, Shmyhal said that Australia had extended the duty-free trade regime until 2026.

Australian Defense Minister arrives in Ukraine

Today, April 27, Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles arrived in Ukraine. Marles met with the Prime Minister of Ukraine in Lviv.

RBC-Ukraine reported that during the meeting Marles announced an aid package to support Ukraine. More details about what exactly will be included in the package can be found in the RBC-Ukraine article.