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Not a word about Sudzha: General Staff Chief promises Putin to reach Russian borders in Kursk region

Not a word about Sudzha: General Staff Chief promises Putin to reach Russian borders in Kursk region Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin (GettyImages)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been promised that the opponents who breached the Kursk region will be eliminated. He was also informed about significant losses among those who crossed the border into Russia, according to Russian Telegram channels.

Putin responded to the unrest in the Kursk region more than a day after it began. He convened a Security Council meeting where he was briefed on the situation in the Kursk region and Sudzha district. As usual, Ukraine was blamed for the provocations.

Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov also briefed Putin on the situation in the region. He claimed that Russian forces, along with border guards and reinforcing units, had stopped the enemy's advance deeper into the territory in the Kursk direction.

Gerasimov stated that Russian forces are currently continuing to destroy the enemy in areas directly adjacent to the Russian-Ukrainian border.

He also, as is customary, blamed the Ukrainians for the attack.

What's known about the breach in Kursk region

On the morning of Tuesday, August 6, large-scale unrest began in Kursk region. Later, the authorities of the Sudzha district reported a breach of the border by Ukrainian forces.

It was also claimed that Ukrainian troops had allegedly already occupied several Russian settlements in the Kursk region. Additionally, reports suggest that evacuation of local residents is underway from other areas.

For more about what is happening in the Kursk region and where potential battles might occur, read the RBC-Ukraine material.

We also covered whether the war could extend into Russian territory. Additionally, RBC-Ukraine has compiled information on the important sites for Russia located in Sudzha district.