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North Korean soldiers in Russia: White House reveals information known to US

North Korean soldiers in Russia: White House reveals information known to US Photo: John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the White House National Security Council (Getty Images)

The US has identified the presence of at least 3,000 North Korean soldiers in Russia, who may be sent to fight in the war against Ukraine, according to John Kirby, the coordinator for strategic communications at the White House National Security Council.

He stated that the US is closely collaborating with allies and partners to gain a complete understanding of the situation regarding the deployment of North Korean soldiers to Russia.

"We assess that between early to mid-October North Korea moved at least 3,000 soldiers into Eastern Russia," Kirby noted.

He clarified that the North Korean troops were transported to Vladivostok from the North Korean port of Wonsan by ship. They were then sent to Russian military training grounds in the Far East.

"We do not yet know whether these soldiers will enter into combat alongside the Russian military, but this is certainly a highly concerning probability after completing training these soldiers could travel to Western Russia and then engage in combat against the Ukrainian military," Kirby emphasized.

According to him, the US has already informed the Ukrainian authorities about its understanding of this situation.

"We're certainly consulting closely with other allies partners and countries in the region on the implications of such a dramatic move and on how we might respond," he added.

Kirby remarked that if North Korean soldiers start fighting against Ukrainian defenders, it will demonstrate Russia's desperation.

"In its war against Ukraine Russia is suffering extraordinary casualties on the battlefield every single day, but President Putin appears intent on continuing this war. If Russia is indeed forced to turn to North Korea for manpower this would be a sign of weakness not strength on the part of the Kremlin," he stated.

He pointed out that such a level of direct military cooperation between Russia and North Korea will have implications for security both in Europe and in the Indo-Pacific region.

North Korean soldiers in Russia

RBC-Ukraine sources have reported several times on the presence of North Korean soldiers in the Far East. However, according to informants, over 10,000 North Korean fighters are being trained there.

Meanwhile, Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense, stated that around 11,000 North Korean soldiers are expected to begin fighting against Ukraine in November.

Additionally, the head of Ukrainian military intelligence mentioned that the first North Korean soldiers were expected to arrive in the Kursk direction today.