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North Korean army to increase production and use of various types of drones

North Korean army to increase production and use of various types of drones North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (photo: Getty Images)

Kim Jong Un has called for an increase in the production and use of strike, submarine, and reconnaissance drones in the North Korean military, reports Reuters.

On Saturday, the North Korean leader visited the Drone Institute at the Academy of Defense Sciences, where he observed tests of drones that accurately identified and destroyed designated targets after flying along various pre-set routes.

Kim Jong Un called for the production of more kamikaze drones for use in tactical infantry units, and special forces, including submarine-launched kamikaze drones, as well as strategic reconnaissance and multi-purpose strike drones.

The leader also urged for additional combat trials of drones to quickly equip the North Korean armed forces, according to the Korean Central News Agency.

On Saturday and Sunday, Kim also inspected construction sites at various North Korean industrial plants.

The report states that Pyongyang has enhanced its tactical warfare capabilities with short-range missiles and heavy artillery intended to strike the South, following significant advancements in developing longer-range ballistic missiles and nuclear programs.

Militarization of North Korea

In the US, it has been noted that North Korea's military cooperation with Russia is not only a threat to Ukraine but also to several countries in the Pacific region.

Washington is concerned about the deepening collaboration between Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran.

Meanwhile, Russia is reportedly using North Korean KN-23 ballistic missiles to target Ukrainian settlements. Many of these missiles fail to reach their targets and disintegrate in the air.

South Korea plans to establish a strategic command to enhance its military deterrence against the North.