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'No one will benefit' from it: Ukraine and Poland not discussing border closure

'No one will benefit' from it: Ukraine and Poland not discussing border closure Photo: Minister of Community Development, Territories, and Infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

On the part of Ukraine, no one is conducting negotiations on closing the borders with Poland, says the Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov.

"No one from the Ukrainian side is negotiating to close the borders with Poland. For us, a stably functioning border is a matter of survival in the war with the Russian aggressor. We have great respect for friendly Poland and have offered constructive solutions, as well as taken steps to relieve tension on the border," said Kubrakov.

According to him, Ukraine is now waiting for a decision from the Polish government, which will not allow the situation to reach an impasse. After all, according to Kubrakov, the decision to close the border for goods is not beneficial to anyone.

"No one will benefit from such a decision except our common enemy," he said.

What preceded it

This afternoon the Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, announced that Ukraine and Poland are "negotiating on the temporary closure of the border for the exchange of goods."

According to him, such a decision will be painful. But they are ready to accept it as an agreement with Kyiv so that there is no unnecessary tension between the countries.

PPolish farmers have been blocking the border with Ukraine for several weeks. They have made it difficult for trucks to move through checkpoints, which affects Ukraine's exports.

Farmers demand that the Polish government expand restrictions on imports from Ukraine to a number of goods. Currently, only grain is banned.