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New nuclear submarine sinks in China - WSJ

New nuclear submarine sinks in China - WSJ Photo: China attempted to conceal the sinking of its latest nuclear submarine (Getty Images)

China attempted to conceal the sinking of its latest nuclear submarine, marking a significant setback for one of the country's priority armament programs, The Wall Street Journal informs.

In the spring of this year, a new nuclear attack submarine sank in China. The incident, which the Chinese authorities attempted to conceal, occurred at a shipyard near Wuhan in late May or early June.

The source noted that this happened at a time when China was vigorously trying to expand its naval fleet, including its fleet of nuclear submarines.

Currently, the United States is unaware if the submarine was carrying nuclear fuel at the time of its sinking, but experts outside the US government believe it is quite probable.

This summer, information surfaced online indicating that China has accelerated the construction of a Type 076 amphibious assault ship on Changxing Island near Shanghai.

The new military vessel, known as the Yunnan class, could be launched as early as 2025 and may be considered one of the largest in the world, raising concerns for the United States and other countries.