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Netherlands with another country to transfer Patriot system to Ukraine

Netherlands with another country to transfer Patriot system to Ukraine Archive photo: Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine will receive another Patriot anti-aircraft missile system. It will be provided by the Netherlands together with another country, according to Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren.

She clarified that the Netherlands and another country have managed to assemble parts that can then form a complete system. The minister has been working on this issue for some time.

Ollongren said that air defense is crucial for Ukraine, which has been able to resist many Russian attacks in this way. The secretary also added that the United States is also working to further assist Ukraine's military efforts.

Last week, at the Patriot meeting in Brussels, another list of assistance to Ukraine in its air defense needs was made. The minister said that "all the pieces of the puzzle" were on the table.

The official did not say who the other country was that helped the Netherlands with the Patriot for Ukraine.

Ukraine needs Patriot systems

The Patriot air defense system has several key advantages. First, it is effective against a variety of airborne threats, including ballistic and cruise missiles and aircraft.

Secondly, Patriot has high accuracy and range, which makes it possible to defend large cities and strategically important objects.

In the context of the war with Russia, such systems can significantly strengthen Ukraine's air defense, protecting critical infrastructure and reducing the risk of air strikes and missile attacks.

Yesterday it became known that the Supreme Defense Council of Romania decided to transfer one Patriot air defense system to Ukraine.