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Netanyahu proposes NATO-like alliance for Middle East to US

Netanyahu proposes NATO-like alliance for Middle East to US Photo: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed that the US establish a security alliance in the Middle East in his speech before the US Congress.

According to Netanyahu, after World War II, the United States created a security alliance in Europe to counter the growing Soviet threat. Similarly, America and Israel can create such a security alliance in the Middle East to counter the growing Iranian threat. This alliance would be open to all countries that have peaceful relations with Israel.

Netanyahu also suggested the name for such an alliance: the Abraham Alliance (referring to the Abraham Accords that Israel signed with several Arab countries in 2020-21, which provided for the normalization of their relations).

We reported that today, July 24, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to meet with US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Netanyahu initially went to the US to meet with President Joe Biden and address Congress.

However, it is expected that Netanyahu will also hold talks with US Vice President Kamala Harris, who is likely to be the Democratic candidate for President.