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Netanyahu again speaks with Biden amid HAMAS attack

Netanyahu again speaks with Biden amid HAMAS attack U.S. President Joe Biden (photo: Getty Images)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once again held a phone conversation with U.S. President Joe Biden amid the attack by HAMAS militants, according to Netanyahu's office.

It is noted that Biden reiterated his unwavering support for Israel.

HAMAS attack on Israel

Yesterday, HAMAS terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip and engaged in combat with Israeli forces. HAMAS managed to seize a number of populated areas.

By evening, Israeli military forces had regained control of most of the territory and retaliated by striking military targets and the HAMAS headquarters.

Israel declared a "state of war" and initiated the counter-terrorism operation "Operation Iron Swords." It should be noted that as a result of the HAMAS attack in Israel, at least 500 people have lost their lives.

Additionally, Biden and Netanyahu already spoke on the phone yesterday. The U.S. President stated that Washington supports Israel and its right to self-defense. He also assured that the United States will ensure that Jerusalem receives all the necessary assistance to defend itself against the terrorist threat.

Furthermore, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that today the United States will declare its support for Israel.