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NATO to conduct mine warfare exercises in Baltic Sea

NATO to conduct mine warfare exercises in Baltic Sea Illustrative photo: NATO conducts mine exercises in the Baltic Sea (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Poland has initiated NATO mine warfare exercises in the Baltic Sea, according to Poland's Deputy Minister of National Defense Paweł Zalewski.

It is noted that the last NATO exercises in the Baltic Sea were held in 2023, aimed at practicing actions in the event of potential aggression from Russia.

"We are strengthening NATO countries' defense in the Baltic Sea. On behalf of the Ministry of National Defense, on the occasion of the NATO summit starting tomorrow in Washington, I have signed a letter of intent for joint procurement of naval mines and training for mine laying by the Navy," Zalewski wrote.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that Poland and the Baltic countries propose to build a defensive line on the border with Russia and Belarus, with a corresponding letter sent to the EU.

Recently, Warsaw also announced the construction of modern fortifications on its eastern border.