NATO prepares overland corridors for deploying US troops to Europe in case of war - The Telegraph

NATO is developing several land corridors to move US troops and armored vehicles to the front lines in the event of a major European ground war with Russia, The Telegraph reports.
The US soldiers will land at one of five ports and follow pre-planned logistics routes to counter a possible attack from Moscow.
Logistics routes have become a key priority since NATO leaders agreed at a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, last year to train 300,000 troops to be on high alert to defend the alliance.
Existing plans call for US troops to land in Dutch ports before boarding trains that will take them through Germany and on to Poland.
In the event of a Russian invasion of NATO, US troops would be moved to the port of Rotterdam and then sent east. But behind the scenes, measures are also being taken to expand routes to other ports to ensure that the landline of communication is not interrupted by Moscow's forces.
If NATO forces entering from the Netherlands are subjected to Russian bombardment or Northern European ports are destroyed, the alliance intends to turn its attention to ports in Italy, Greece, and Türkiye.
From Italian ports, US troops could be deployed overland through Slovenia and Croatia to Hungary, which borders Ukraine.
Similar plans exist to transport troops from Turkish and Greek ports through Bulgaria and Romania to reach the eastern flank of the alliance.
NATO preparing for escalation with Russia
Last year, Bild published materials obtained from secret NATO sources. They said that the alliance was developing contingency plans for possible aggression from Russia. These plans include various options for countering a potential invasion based on different possible scenarios.
Later, Admiral Rob Bauer, Chairman of NATO's Military Committee, emphasized the need to transform the alliance. He noted that in today's world, any event, including the outbreak of war, can happen suddenly, so the West must be prepared for any challenge.