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NATO is still discussing protection of Ukrainian skies - Polish president

NATO is still discussing protection of Ukrainian skies - Polish president Polish President Andrzej Duda (photo: Getty Images)

The NATO Alliance is still discussing how to protect Ukrainian skies, states Polish President Andrzej Duda.

He noted that NATO is a protective and defensive alliance. In turn, the protection of Ukraine's skies with the military assets of individual Allies is a defense issue. However, there is a red line around which NATO continues to discuss.

“As for the issue of protecting Ukrainian skies with military assets of individual NATO states, this is a matter of defense. There is a red line around which there is a discussion in NATO. This discussion is ongoing. We talked about this today with the President and the Prime Minister at bilateral meetings,” the Polish President said at a press conference in Kyiv as part of his visit to Ukraine in honor of the country's Independence Day.

What else did the Polish president say

During his speech, Duda expressed hope that Russia's war against Ukraine would soon be over. And the “forces of freedom” will win it, meaning the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“Although today Ukraine is fighting the Russian aggressor, fighting for its independence, I am convinced that the war will soon end with the victory of the forces of freedom over the world of tyranny. Then, out of the darkness of war, on the ruins and scorched territories, a new world will begin to be forged,” the Polish President said.

He also reminded that Poland was the first country in the world to officially recognize Ukraine's independence in 1991.