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NATO has no consensus on inviting Ukraine to Alliance - White House

NATO has no consensus on inviting Ukraine to Alliance - White House NATO and Ukraine flags (Illustrative photo: Getty Images)

Currently, there is ongoing discussion among NATO members regarding whether to invite Ukraine to join the Alliance. However, there is no consensus on this issue yet, states a senior official in President Joe Biden's administration.

On Thursday, October 17, journalists inquired about the US stance on Ukraine's victory plan and its specific aspects. A senior administration official responded that there is an active discussion about various elements of the plan outlined by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. This conversation took place both during Zelenskyy's visit to the US and during a phone call yesterday. The official noted that certain aspects of the plan concerning the provision of additional military capabilities are currently being implemented.

However, there is no consensus regarding Ukraine's invitation to NATO.

"There’s a discussion amongst NATO Allies about an invitation. There is not consensus at this time to offer Ukraine an invitation. But as you know, at the NATO Summit just, what, a couple months ago - in July, mid-July - all 32 Allies affirmed that Ukraine is on an irreversible path to membership. So the question is about the tactics of how to encourage that path and how to gain consensus on the next steps," he said.

The White House official also stated that President Biden wants Ukraine to succeed, and these efforts will be supported with the necessary resources. He emphasized that this is why the US President called for a Ramstein meeting at the leaders' level, which is expected to take place in November.

Yesterday, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte stated that Ukraine is likely to become the 33rd or 34th member of the Alliance, which currently includes 32 countries. He stressed that ultimately, the country will join NATO, and this has already been decided.

Later that same day, October 17, a post was published on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Facebook page stating that Ukraine deserves to be the next NATO member, specifically the 33rd country, rather than the 34th.