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NATO discusses annual assistance to Ukraine worth EUR 40 billion

NATO discusses annual assistance to Ukraine worth EUR 40 billion Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

NATO member countries are currently discussing Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's proposal for a €40 billion per year financing plan for Ukraine. However, some allies remain skeptical about adopting this decision, citing Bloomberg.

Some NATO member countries are reluctant to commit to specific multi-year military aid expenditures for Ukraine, which would provide greater predictability in the long term.

Sources indicate that countries are currently divided on how to ensure the proper functioning of these commitments in the coming years.

It is noted that some allies are wary of formalizing commitments with specific figures and prefer to simply promise to continue providing support at the same level.

Meanwhile, others are hesitant to disclose the exact amounts of their contributions, so as not to reveal the true extent of their assistance to Ukraine.

Possible scenarios

Sources said that while many details still need to be agreed upon, allies might be able to reach an agreement if the €40 billion in aid to Ukraine is counted towards NATO's existing commitment to spend at least 2% of GDP on defense.

However, this could harm the allies' defense capabilities, especially if finance ministries do not agree to increase the overall level of expenditures.

NATO summit in July

Additionally, NATO allies are still working out the wording for the leaders' statement at the July summit, which will describe Ukraine's progress towards joining the Alliance.

Although an invitation this year remains unlikely, the US and Germany oppose labeling Ukraine's path to NATO membership as irreversible, instead advocating for a bridge to membership formulation, according to sources.

NATO assistance to Ukraine

It was reported today that at the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, Ukraine will be offered a new headquarters for managing military assistance as part of the alliance's long-term commitment to the country's security, which has been described as a bridge to possible membership for Kyiv.

Previously, Stoltenberg mentioned that the alliance would establish a permanent structure to organize the supply of weapons to Ukraine and their financing.