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NATO chief on lifting restrictions for strikes into Russia: There are no risk-free options in war

NATO chief on lifting restrictions for strikes into Russia: There are no risk-free options in war Photo: Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Western countries will decide separately whether to lift restrictions on Ukraine's use of transferred weapons against Russia. However, there are no risk-free options in the war, states NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in an interview with LBC.

The Secretary General responded to British Foreign Secretary David Lammy's statement that the UK is negotiating with the US and allies about lifting restrictions on Ukraine's use of long-range Storm Shadow missiles.

Stoltenberg welcomed such negotiations but emphasized that each country will make its own decision on the matter.

"We have a full-scale war in Europe launched by Moscow. There are no risk-free options in the war. But I continue to believe that the biggest risk for us will be if President Putin wins in Ukraine," the Secretary General stressed.

What preceded

Recently, Ukraine's allies have actively discussed lifting restrictions on Ukrainian forces' use of transferred weapons for strikes on Russian territory.

According to The Times, the US has agreed to allow Ukrainian defenders to use British and French Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles for attacks on Russian territory.

The Guardian also reported that the US and British governments have already made a decision regarding Ukrainian strikes on Russia, but have not announced it publicly.

So far, there is no official confirmation of these rumors.