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Musk’s Neuralink successfully implants chip in second patient’s brain

Musk’s Neuralink successfully implants chip in second patient’s brain Photo: Elon Musk, billionaire (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Neuralink, a company owned by billionaire Elon Musk, has successfully implanted its chip into the brain of a second patient, Reuters reports.

Neuralink is currently in the process of testing its implant. The first patient who received the chip can play video games, browse the Internet, post on social media, and move the cursor on a laptop thanks to the device.

Musk, in turn, did not disclose many details about the second participant in the experiment. It is now known that he, like the first, also had a spinal cord injury. The billionaire said that the 400 electrodes of the implant in the brain of the second patient are working. At the same time, the Neuralink website states that the chip has 1024 electrodes.

"I don't want to jinx it but it seems to have gone extremely well with the second implant. There's a lot of signal, a lot of electrodes. It's working very well," Musk says.

The billionaire also expects Neuralink to implant chips in eight more patients by the end of the year.


Neuralink is a neurotechnology company founded by Musk in 2016. The company's main goal is to develop a brain-computer interface that will allow people to interact with computers and other electronic devices directly through brain activity.

The patient who agreed to participate in the first clinical trial has a severe form of paralysis. This person volunteered to participate in the study, which aims to test the safety and effectiveness of the neural implant.