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Most dangerous zodiac signs named: Who made the list and why

Most dangerous zodiac signs named: Who made the list and why Astrologers revealed the most dangerous zodiac signs (Photo:

Unlike those who seek harmony, calm, and peace, there are those who are not afraid to show their rebellious nature. Astrologers have revealed which zodiac signs are considered the most dangerous.

Why these signs are considered so is explained by the Times of India.

Which zodiac signs are considered dangerous


Known for their fierce determination and love of risk, Aries acts impulsively and often jumps headfirst into dangerous situations without thinking about the consequences.


This passionate and mysterious sign never forgets a grudge and can be vengeful. Scorpios are prone to manipulation and often act secretly to achieve their goals.


Ambitious and determined, this sign always focuses on achieving its goals, even if it requires harsh actions. Capricorns can be ruthless in their pursuit of success.

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The most dangerous zodiac signs (Photo:


They are adaptable to any situation, but their dual personality can create chaos and misunderstandings. Geminis easily change their decisions and moods, making them unpredictable.


They thrive in the spotlight and always try to maintain that attention by any means. Leos may be prone to risky actions if they feel their popularity is threatened.


An innovative thinker who often challenges established social norms. Aquarians aren't afraid to act against the rules and can be true rebels.