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Moldova could be Russia's next target, Romanian General Staff warns

Moldova could be Russia's next target, Romanian General Staff warns The Chief of the General Staff of Romania, Vlad (Photo:
Author: Daria Shekina

If the Russian Federation wins its war against Ukraine, the next target of the aggressor state will be Moldova, states the Chief of the General Staff of Romania, Vlad Gheorghiță, in an interview with Europa Liberă.

He notes that the population of Romania, like all European Union citizens, is concerned about the situation in Ukraine.

"We must take action and be prepared. If Russia wins in Ukraine, the main target will be Moldova. We will witness tension in the Western Balkans. I believe that not a single second should be lost. This is the moment when all European countries need to think about preparing the population," says Gheorghiță.


Earlier, Moldovan President Maia Sandu stated that Russia was bribing voters who participated in the local elections in November.

In addition, Chisinau is trying to combat Russian propaganda. In October 2023, Moldova blocked access to 22 Russian propaganda channels. After these and other steps, the pro-Russian Shor party organized protests to overthrow the current government and demanded the impeachment of President Maia Sandu. As a result, the Constitutional Court of Moldova banned the activities of Shor.

In January, Sandu also noted that the risks from Russia to destabilize the situation in Chisinau have not disappeared. It is expected that in the spring, Russia will again try to destabilize the situation in Moldova, using the situation in Transnistria.