Ministry of Health prepares innovations - Loss of functionality instead of disability

The Ministry of Health has prepared a draft law that changes the methodology for determining disability and suggests replacing it with an assessment of functional loss, according to the Pershyi Zhytomyrskyi.
Ukraine's Minister of Health, Viktor Lyashko, has revealed that the government plans to undertake a comprehensive reform of the MSEC (Medical and Social Expert Commission) system in 2025. This reform will involve a complete revision of the approaches to assessing disability.
"We currently have a problem where we focus on disability because it provides privileges and compensation, rather than helping individuals return to an economically sustainable state. We haven't been asking what the person wants; instead, we tell them what we can offer. This is a post-Soviet model that we need to abandon," stated Lyashko.
The head of the Ministry of Health added that Ukraine has replaced the international classification of functioning (International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health) with a national classifier.
"We are moving away from the concept of disability as it is and are talking about assessing the loss of functionality," he explained.
MSEC (Medical and Social Expert Commission) in Ukraine
The Minister of Health of Ukraine, Viktor Lyashko, has announced that MSEC in Ukraine will cease to operate by January 1, 2025.
During a state of war, the process of reevaluation and undergoing MSEC to determine disability group placement takes up to six months. The assignment of disability groups (I, II, or III) is based on an individual's health condition.
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