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Ministry of Defense demonstrated Ukrainian drone with artificial intelligence - SAKER SCOUT

Ministry of Defense demonstrated Ukrainian drone with artificial intelligence - SAKER SCOUT Ukrainian drone with artificial intelligence SAKER SCOUT demonstrated in the Ministry of Defense (Photo: Getty Images)

The Ministry of Defense has put the SAKER SCOUT drone with artificial intelligence into operation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, according to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

"The SAKER software, built on artificial intelligence algorithms, will help Ukrainian troops effectively combat the enemy," the statement said.

As mentioned, the system, using advanced optics, autonomously recognizes and records the coordinates of enemy vehicles (even camouflaged ones), immediately transmitting the information to the command post for appropriate decision-making. It minimizes the risks of "human error" since the operator's eye cannot always capture all the nuances.

The complex includes a flagship reconnaissance drone and several FPV kamikaze drones, which are controlled with the help of the flagship drone.

Key characteristics:

  • The flight range is up to 10 km.
  • It can be equipped with infrared optics for night operations.
  • It can use an inertial guidance system, significantly increasing its resistance to EW means.
  • It integrates into all existing situational awareness systems of the Armed Forces, including the "Delta" system.

"Thanks to the Ministry of Defense's Accelerator activity, the procedure for putting the drone into operation was as fast as possible," the Ministry of Defense noted.

Ukrainian drone with artificial intelligence SAKER SCOUT (photo:

Production of drones in Ukraine

According to Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov, there are already over 20 new drone models of Ukrainian production in the armament of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

He also mentioned a real boom in drone production in Ukraine, mainly due to the government's efforts to simplify procedures for developers and manufacturers of military equipment.

Additionally, this year, the Cabinet of Ministers allocated 40 billion hryvnias for investments in Ukrainian drone manufacturers.