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Microwave hacks: How to use your microwave in surprising ways

Microwave hacks: How to use your microwave in surprising ways What else is a microwave can do besides heat food? (collage: RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Your microwave can do more than just reheat leftover pizza. It can work wonders with various items. How can a microwave assist in your household tasks?

RBC-Ukraine has prepared 8 unusual but highly useful ways to restore old items or products using your microwave.

Fabric dyeing

Dyeing fabric can be a complex and messy process, but there's an easy solution: your microwave. Mix dye with water in a bowl, dip the fabric into the mixture, and microwave for 1-2 minutes, depending on the fabric type. Then, remove and rinse – and you're done!

Reviving dried mascara

Don’t throw away dried mascara just yet. Place the mascara wand next to a cup of water in the microwave and heat for 30-40 seconds to restore its usability.

Separating stamps

Collecting stamps? Here’s an easy way to detach them from envelopes. Drop a few drops of water on the stamp, place the envelope in the microwave for 4-5 seconds, and see the result.

Reviving stale bread

Don’t rush to throw away stale bread. Cover it with a damp paper towel and microwave for 10 seconds. Repeat until the bread is soft again.

Sanitizing cutting boards

Cutting boards often become centers of bacteria. To sanitize, first wipe the surface with half a lemon. Then, place the board in the microwave on high for one minute.

Making milk foam

There's no need to spend money on a latte at a coffee shop when you can make foam at home. Fill a jar halfway with milk, shake it, and microwave it uncovered for 30 seconds.

Sanitizing sponges

Dirty sponges can be unpleasant, but they’re easy to clean. Soak the sponge in water and microwave it for one minute – all bacteria should be eliminated.

Recrystallizing honey

If honey has crystallized, don’t throw it away. Open the jar and microwave it for 30-60 seconds – the honey will become soft and ready to use again.