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Menu for memorial dinner after Putin's death - Ukrainian restaurateur offers special dishes

Menu for memorial dinner after Putin's death - Ukrainian restaurateur offers special dishes Yevhen Klopotenko, Ukrainian restaurateur and civic activist (Collage: Styler)

Yevhen Klopotenko, Ukrainian restaurateur and civic activist, promoter of Ukrainian cuisine on the global cultural and culinary stage, and initiator of including borscht in the UNESCO intangible heritage list, has composed a menu for the memorial feast after the death of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

The dishes that mourners of the Russian president will consume following his demise were offered by the head chef in the conversation with RBC-Ukraine.

As per the culinary expert, the menu for Putin's memorial feast by Klopotenko includes primarily a dish that he had previously served to Putin. But not just that.

In addition to sh*t, the guests will also get to taste:

  • Tuna eyes, which have rotted
  • Beetle larvae, which are very stinky
  • Maggot larvae, which infest the meat (can be prepared in a fryer with a touch of salt)
  • Worms stuffed with putrid dog

"That's the menu. A bit of sh*t, a bit of drivel, and a bit of nice insects to create a proper memorial mood for Putin's friends," summarized Klopotenko.

In the conversation with RBC-Ukraine, Yevhen also said what Russia is associated with in his mind.

"Yesterday, I was in the garden. I asked to use the restroom. When you open that restroom door, there's a pit filled with sh*t. That's how I imagine Russia and Russians," he shared.