ua en ru

Medical students in occupied Ukrainian territories forced to treat wounded Russians

Medical students in occupied Ukrainian territories forced to treat wounded Russians Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian invaders force students from fake medical institutions to assist wounded occupiers. In case of refusal to cooperate, students are threatened with persecution, according to the Center for National Resistance (CNR).

CNR reports that it concerns students from fake medical schools in temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. It is known that senior students are enlisted for service to the enemy during their practical training.

"Refusing such training is impossible, as in such a case, occupiers threaten with expulsion," the statement says.

Before the training, Russians instruct young specialists, and Federal Security Service "experts" conduct interviews with interns.

"In particular, students are threatened with the disclosure of information and warned about responsibility for extremism," the CNR reports.

Life in occupation

It was previously reported that occupiers force local residents to donate blood for the needs of Russian military.

Earlier in November, it was revealed that Russians compel children in temporarily occupied territories to make camouflage nets.

They also do not provide people with medicine but simply send them home to die.

Occupiers have brought in a group of so-called psychologists who extract important information from the local population.

The CNR said that the level of poverty is rapidly increasing in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, and a socio-economic crisis is escalating.