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Massive fire breaks out at US Army warehouse in South Korea

Massive fire breaks out at US Army warehouse in South Korea Photo: A strong fire occurred at a US Army depot in South Korea (

In South Korea today, October 24, a supply depot for the US Army caught fire, which was extinguished in about four hours, Yonhap reports.

According to South Korean rescuers, the fire broke out in the evening at the 55th supply depot of the US Army, located in the city of Busan. It started in a fairly large warehouse building that is under construction.

During the fire, there was no one inside the warehouse, so there were no fatalities or injuries. The building stored construction materials and flammable substances, such as urethane and rubber, but not ammunition.

To extinguish the fire, 51 units of equipment and 163 personnel were involved. American military personnel also provided three fire trucks and 11 crew members.

Access to the depot area was restricted, allowing only firefighters entry. In fact, even police officers were not permitted to the scene of the incident.

It is worth noting that the US and South Korea are allies, with American military bases located in South Korea.

There was an explosion at a defense facility in the US in early July.