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Mark of misfortune: What’s really happening between Lopez and Affleck

Mark of misfortune: What’s really happening between Lopez and Affleck J.Lo and Ben Affleck (collage by RBC-Ukraine)

Rumors about Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's divorce are not subsiding. While the star couple ignores all questions, Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Solovyova has shared whether the celebrities have a chance at happiness.

Lopez and Affleck's story has lasted over 20 years. And if their engagement break-up in 2004 shocked fans, this time everyone is just stunned.

Exclusively for RBC-Ukraine Kateryna Solovyova explained why Lopez and Affleck cannot build a strong relationship and who among them has the Mark of Satan and the Mark of Misfortune.

What secrets Lopez hides

"She is not an aggressive person at all. However, in her cosmogram, there are two interesting indications that her relationship sphere will be problematic, regardless of where she lives. First, she has a configuration called the 'Mark of Satan' in ancient times," noted Solovyova.

"У Бена нет шансов". Джей Ло взбудоражила сеть фигурой в купальнике (фото)

J.Lo (Photo:

"This is an aspect of clouded consciousness and temptations. Such a person may quickly lose the ability to enjoy life, distrust others, suffer from chronic suspicion, become disillusioned quickly, and be overly critical," she added.

Moreover, the astrologer explains that such a person may experience regular crises, approximately once every seven years. For women, this crisis may promise a marriage of convenience, spinsterhood, or an unhappy family.

According to Solovyova, we can see how this aspect works by recalling J.Lo's personal life, with her multiple marriages and numerous romances. But that’s not all.

На тлі чуток про розлучення: Дженніфер Лопес публічно звернулася до Бена Аффлека

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck (Photo: Getty Images)

"One of the planets in Lopez's cosmogram is located in a destructive degree of Libra. A destructive degree is one of sacrificial testing: only through trials can help and reward for resilience be obtained. It brings tests of strength, endurance, and patience," Solovyova explained.

"It attracts events that cause suffering, negative situations that can lead to disappointment in life, pessimism, and despair," she added.

In Libra, this degree gives a dual characteristic: destruction and restoration. It is the degree of judgment and condemnation, it brings a bad reputation. It can lead to broken connections and catastrophes following a rise.

"У Бена нет шансов". Джей Ло взбудоражила сеть фигурой в купальнике (фото)

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck (Photo: Getty Images)

Lopez and Affleck have a chance?

"Believe it or not, Ben Affleck also has a powerful planet in the same degree! This might explain his turbulent personal life. As for Ben and J.Lo's relationship, this planetary position creates an aspect of extremism, fanaticism, eccentric, and incomprehensible behavior to others," the astrologer said.

"In addition, such a union may encounter various accidents. Despite Affleck not being very confrontational, he becomes highly conflicted with Lopez, with the source of arguments and conflicts being him," she added.

"Печатка нещастя". Що насправді коїться між Лопес та Аффлеком: астролог дала відповідь

The couple in the past (Photo: Getty Images)

Lopez transmits her so-called Mark of Misfortune to Affleck. This may make Ben feel excessive control, coldness, and restrictions. He might think that J.Lo wants to distance herself from him, rejecting him, feeling disrespected or disregarded, Solovyova explained.

"In addition, he may feel discomfort, distrust, and even humiliation. He might also depend on Lopez in some way. This configuration indicates a break in close communication and the end of the relationship," noted Kateryna.

In such a couple, the person with the Mark of Misfortune often first considers a breakup. In Lopez and Affleck's situation, it might be her who decided to leave.

"Печатка нещастя". Що насправді коїться між Лопес та Аффлеком: астролог дала відповідь

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck (collage by RBC-Ukraine)

Moreover, the stars have other problems. They lack psychological harmony and have different worldviews, plans for the future, tastes, and household habits.

"In the sexual sphere, they have 'African passions,' but they struggle to realize themselves in gender terms: him as a man, her as a woman. However, from a material-financial perspective, these relationships are mutually beneficial. Nonetheless, mercantile interests couldn't save this union, as the astrological indications for the breakup are too strong," the astrologer declared.

Solovyova also doesn’t understand why Lopez gave Affleck a second chance, as the star, according to foreign media, is obsessed with astrology and supposedly makes important decisions only after consulting experts.

"From the point of view of the oldest science of humanity, this love story was doomed from the start," concluded the astrologer.

Previously, we discussed which zodiac signs have perfect compatibility.