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Macron's associate re-elected as speaker of French National Assembly

Macron's associate re-elected as speaker of French National Assembly Photo: Yaël Braun-Pivet, Speaker of the French Parliament (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Deputies of the French National Assembly (the lower house of parliament) have re-elected Yaël Braun-Pivet as Speaker. She is an associate of French President Emmanuel Macron, according to the BFM TV.

The voting process in the French Parliament

The voting in the French parliament occurred in three rounds. In the third round, Braun-Pivet secured the necessary relative majority for re-election.

Six candidates competed for the position of speaker, but only three made it to the third round. In the final round of voting, the representative of the presidential coalition beat off the candidate from the far-left and communists, André Chassaigne, and the far-right representative, Sébastien Chenu.

Thus, despite the fact that Macron's presidential coalition only took second place in the parliamentary elections, it managed to secure its speaker in the National Assembly. The next issue facing the new French parliament and Macron is the appointment of the government.

Yaël Braun-Pivet and Ukraine

The representative of the presidential party Renaissance, Yaël Braun-Pivet is a supporter of Ukraine. During her first presidency of the French parliament, she visited Ukraine several times, including Kyiv and Odesa.

In March of this year, commenting on the statements of the French president, Braun-Pivet also did not rule out the possibility of sending French troops to Ukraine.

"Until the very victory, nothing is excluded, everything remains possible. I will not further interpret the President's words, this position is clear enough," she emphasized.

Parliamentary elections in France

Following the European Parliament elections, the President of France decided to dissolve the parliament, due to his political force suffering a crushing defeat, and called for snap elections. The first round took place on June 30, and the second on July 7.

In the first round, the far-right party National Rally took the lead, the far-left New Popular Front came second, and Macron's coalition was third. Polls indicated that the far-right had a chance of securing an absolute majority in the parliament.

However, in the second round, the unexpected victory went to the far-left New Popular Front, while the far-right finished in third place, effectively being left behind, losing to Macron's coalition.

For more on the election results and what the new French government might look like, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.