Living alone worsens psychological state

It is said that loneliness is a great harm to psychological health, and living alone only exacerbates this condition and provokes depression, according to research from the National Health Statistics Reports.
Does living alone really worsen psychological state
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has published a new report stating that adults who live alone are more likely to experience depression than adults who live with family or other close individuals.
The study is based on data obtained during the annual National Health Interview Survey. It found that slightly over 6 percent of people who live in solitude reported feelings of depression, compared to 4 percent of people who do not live alone.
However, 93 percent of participants reported that living alone has no negative impact on their psychological state or said that the impact is minimal.
Participants were also asked how often they receive social and emotional support. It turned out that 19.6 percent of adults living alone who rarely or never receive support are twice as likely to experience feelings of depression and apathy. In contrast, among those living with someone, the figure is 11.6 percent.
Does living alone really worsen psychological well-being (photo: Freepik)
The study suggests that while living alone can increase the risk of social isolation, people who live alone can be actively engaged in their work or community and have access to social networks and social and emotional support, which can be protective for mental health.
Therefore, people who have social contacts outside their homes, where they are constantly alone with themselves, do not feel depression or other signs of psychological disorder at all; on the contrary, they enjoy their way of life and have as much socialization as they need.
Earlier, we talked about how to take care of yourself when you have no time for it.
Also, find out what types of crying exist and why it is considered beneficial.