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Lithuanian Foreign Minister shares best response to Iranian missiles in Russia

Lithuanian Foreign Minister shares best response to Iranian missiles in Russia Photo: Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Lithuania will support all European sanctions against Iran for transferring missiles to Russia. But the best response would be Ukraine's strikes on the warehouses containing these missiles, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The Minister stated that Lithuania will support all European sanctions against Iran for its support of Russia's war efforts against Ukraine. However, he emphasized that it would be disappointing to see that the process of sanctions discussion takes too long and, as in many past cases, does not bring results.

He stressed that Lithuania's position is to impose sanctions on what is easily sanctionable, such as Russian airfields.

Landsbergis is confident that Ukraine would be ready to impose sanctions on them with long-range missile strikes if allowed. This would be the best response, an immediate response that does not require all 27 countries to come to the table and negotiate, he noted.

Recently, the media reported that Iran had transferred short-range ballistic missiles to Russia. Tehran has officially denied this, but the information has been confirmed by the United States.

The US has stated that Russia received ballistic missiles from Iran.

Yesterday, Iran even summoned EU ambassadors to deny the transfer of missiles to Russia, as both the US and European countries have begun to impose sanctions on both countries actively.