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Lithuania approves long-term aid package for Ukraine

Lithuania approves long-term aid package for Ukraine Photo: Gitanas Nauseda, President of Lithuania (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Lithuania has approved a package of long-term military aid to Ukraine amounting to 200 million euros. Additionally, new deliveries have been announced for January and February, says Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda during a joint press conference with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"We continue to support brave Ukrainians in their struggle through all means: military, economic, and political. In the National Defense Council, we have approved a package of long-term military aid totaling 200 million euros," stated Nauseda.

According to the Lithuanian President, in January, Lithuania will send ammunition, generators, detonation systems to Ukraine, and in February, M577 armored personnel carriers.

Lithuania will also train Ukrainian soldiers and strengthen cooperation in the defense industry with Ukraine.

"The agreements signed today between the Ukrainian and Lithuanian defense industries are another example of our close military cooperation," added Nauseda.

Zelenskyy's visit to Lithuania

Today, on January 10, the President of Ukraine arrived on a visit to Lithuania. He plans to hold negotiations with the president, prime minister, and speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas. Meetings with representatives of political forces, the media, and the Ukrainian community are also expected.

Among the main topics of the negotiations:

  • security

  • integration into the EU and NATO

  • cooperation in electronic warfare and drones

  • further coordination of European support

Additionally, it is expected that the Ukrainian President will visit Latvia and Estonia.