Large green comet heading toward Earth: It can be seen once in 3000 years

The new comet C/2023 N2 Lemmon, discovered by scientists only this year, will be visible to the naked eye in the sky in the coming days. The enormous green comet will be so bright that it can even be photographed.
What is known about this comet and when it can be seen in the sky is reported by RBC-Ukraine, according to Universe Today.
Comet C/2023 N2 Lemmon was discovered by astronomers on April 23. They found that this comet is long-period. Currently, it is approaching Earth, and its brightness has reached a magnitude of +8, making it even brighter.
This comet completes a full orbit around the Sun every 3870 years. On October 29, it reached its maximum distance from the Sun, and by October 31, it was already clearly visible from Earth. Its brightness increases in the night sky, and it is quite likely that it will be visible to the naked eye at the time of its closest approach to our planet.
Comet С/2023 Н2 Lemmon (фото: Starry Night)
According to researchers, you can start observing Comet C/2023 N2 Lemmon, which is traveling at a speed of 60 km/s, from November 6. It will approach Earth at its closest distance (29 million km) during the night of November 10 to 11.
On that night, you should look to the west as the comet will be above the horizon line in the Hercules constellation. It will be visible in the sky a few days before its closest approach and several days after.
Using binoculars is recommended, as you'll see the object, but it will appear as a slightly blurred spherical star cluster. If the comet's brightness increases a few more points, it might be visible to the naked eye.
This comet has some resemblance to the famous Comet 1P/Halley, but its orbital period is twice as long.
The trajectory of Comet C/2023 N2 Lemmon (Photo: Starry Night)
By the way, we previously reported that a massive volcanic comet is heading towards Earth.
We also discussed NASA's discovery of a solar system with two Earth-like planets.