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Kremlin wants to portray Ukraine as opponent of negotiations through Friends of Peace platform - ISW

Kremlin wants to portray Ukraine as opponent of negotiations through Friends of Peace platform - ISW The Kremlin building on Red Square (photo: Getty Images)

Recently, China announced the creation of a platform called Friends of Peace, which is allegedly aimed at facilitating the cessation of the war in Ukraine. The Kremlin is likely to use this platform to portray Ukraine as unwilling to engage in negotiations, according to the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Analysts noted that on September 26, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced that China, Brazil, Pakistan, and other like-minded countries in the Global South would soon establish the Friends of Peace platform. This announced platform is purportedly aimed at facilitating inclusive dialogue to seek a resolution for ending the war in Ukraine.

Experts reminded that China has consistently promoted its alternative peace plan, allowing Russian officials to depict a readiness for earnest negotiations with Ukraine. This occurred despite ongoing statements from the Kremlin, whose conditions were tantamount to Ukraine's complete capitulation or outright dismissed negotiations.

The ISW concluded that the Kremlin is likely to promote the new Friends of Peace platform and use its support for various alternative peace efforts to falsely present Ukraine as unwilling to negotiate.