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Kremlin accuses Belarus of disrupting arms supplies for Russian army

Kremlin accuses Belarus of disrupting arms supplies for Russian army Kremlin accuses Belarus of disrupting arms supplies for Russian army (Getty Images)

The Kremlin accuses the military-industrial complex of Belarus of disrupting supplies to the Russian army. Minsk prefers Tehran, according to the National Resistance Center.

"In Belarus, FSB supervisors attached to the local military-industrial complex accuse the latter of disrupting the delivery of paid-for equipment to the Russian Armed Forces," the report says.

The Belarusian KGB was admonished about the shipment of Belarusian military-industrial complex products to partners from Iran. This includes modernized elements of MLRS (pipes), individual spare parts for UAVs, elements of automated command and control systems, and electronic countermeasures.

"The Russian Federation is dissatisfied with this priority. It is already demanding to put pressure on the heads of Belarusian enterprises and start an audit to bring those involved to justice," the statement says.

Belarus is an ally of Russia

As Ukrainian military sources pointed out, Belarus is assisting Russia in the war against Ukraine. In February 2022, Russian forces entered Ukraine from Belarusian territory.

The so-called Russian-Belarusian exercises allow Moscow to maintain its forces in Belarus. Additionally, the Wagner Private Military Company fighters were stationed on Belarusian territory.

Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhii Naiev, notes that Ukrainian forces are monitoring the border with Belarus and are prepared to react promptly in case of any threats.

Yesterday Belarus has once again extended joint military exercises with Russia. These exercises are taking place at Belarusian training grounds.