Kim Kardashian to transform into Elizabeth Taylor: What's known

Kim Kardashian has decided to try her hand at two new roles simultaneously. The model and producer will be producing a film about Elizabeth Taylor and will also portray her in the movie, according to Variety.
How will Kim Kardashian transform into Elizabeth Taylor
Kim Kardashian is set to transform into Elizabeth Taylor in a new venture where she will serve as the executive producer and lead actress in a film about the legendary actress.
Working alongside a large team of professionals, Kim will be involved in the creation of a three-part documentary film tentatively titled "Elizabeth Taylor: Rebel Superstar."
The film is commissioned by the BBC and produced by the Oscar-winning production house Passion Pictures.
The mini-series will delve deep into the artistry and technique of Taylor as a prominent actress. It will narrate the story of how she captivated audiences and explore the changes Taylor brought to the dynamics between viewers and celebrities.
Kim Kardashian will portray Elizabeth Taylor in the film. (Photo: Kinorium)
The film will also explore themes such as how the actress completely transformed Hollywood while reshaping herself, becoming the world's highest-paid actress. It will delve into Taylor's activities beyond the stage, including the launch of her own perfume line, her active fight against AIDS, and her charitable work.
It's worth noting that Kardashian was fortunate to interview Elizabeth Taylor shortly before her death in 2011. This personal connection likely influenced her decision not only to produce the film but also to take on the leading role. By doing so, Kardashian aims to showcase the legendary woman's impact on the global film industry and reveal Elizabeth as a fascinating personality—a woman, actress—unveiling unknown facets of the actress to the world throughout the years.
Perhaps, through this personal acquaintance, Kim decided not only to produce the film but also to be the central figure in it, allowing her to convey all the planned information about Taylor.
Kim Kardashian will portray Elizabeth Taylor. (Photo: Kinorium)