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Key indicators for wisdom teeth removal

Key indicators for wisdom teeth removal Illustrative photo (Photo: Freepik)
Author: Daria Shekina

Wisdom teeth are a real mystery, as they grow and bother some, while for others, they never manifest. Therefore, the question arises of whether everyone needs to have them removed.

Dentist Yan Stremskyi shares information on the most common signs for the removal of wisdom teeth to RBC-Ukraine.

The most common indications for the removal of wisdom teeth

"Let's start from the beginning. Wisdom teeth, or as dentists commonly refer to them, 'eights,' are similar to any other teeth, but their anatomy presents a surprise for every dentist. Consequently, their treatment can be extremely challenging or even impossible. Therefore, the only solution is their extraction," notes Yan.

According to the dentist, these teeth often do not serve any specific function, as they may grow sideways or not erupt into the oral cavity at all. They are inherited from our ancestors who predominantly consumed tougher food requiring better chewing.

As we observe today, our diet is softer and well-processed, so we may witness a scenario where some people lack these teeth from birth.

Therefore, if you experience pain in the wisdom teeth area, it's advisable to consult your dentist, who may refer you to a therapist or a surgeon.

Key indicators for wisdom teeth removal

When is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth (photo: Freepik)

Another reason for extraction is orthodontic indications, meaning treatment with braces, caps, aligners, or plates.

"Our jaws have individual sizes that accommodate a specific number of teeth. However, if your baby teeth were not treated in childhood or were lost early, bone growth may be disrupted, resulting in a lack of space or incorrect positioning of wisdom teeth," explains Stremskyi.

While an orthodontist can align dental arches, increasing bone size is nearly impossible. Hence, the choice often falls on extraction, sometimes even for completely healthy teeth, most commonly the wisdom teeth.

The most challenging scenario is when wisdom teeth are located in the bone, in a horizontal position, and exert pressure on adjacent teeth. Therefore, their removal is necessary to prevent harm or misalignment of other teeth.

Such removal is considered atypical and more expensive, requiring time, specific instruments, etc.

"Most often, we recommend removal on one side. That is, you first remove the upper and lower left wisdom teeth, then after 3-4 weeks, those on the right. This way, the socket will have time to fully heal, causing no discomfort during meals," explains the dentist.

In conclusion, it can be said that tooth extraction is not always mandatory, and the final decision is made by you in consultation with your dentist.

"Take care of your health not only externally but also internally," advises Stremskyi.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.