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Jewish Confederation of Ukraine condemned the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel

Jewish Confederation of Ukraine condemned the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel The Jewish Confederation of Ukraine condemned the attack on Israel (photo: Getty Images)

The Jewish Confederation of Ukraine is shocked and outraged by the brutal attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel on the morning of October 7, states the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine.

"We, the Jews of Ukraine, strongly protest against the brutal actions of Arab terrorists. Today, on the holiday of Simchat Torah and Shemini Atzeret - the Torah holiday - when the whole world rejoices in completing the reading of the Book of Life and blessings for a successful 5784, we call on the entire world to stand up against the terrorists of the Arab Hamas who are killing innocent civilians in Israel," the Confederation stated.

They emphasized that the people of Israel have not seen such cruelty in over 30 years.

"Ukrainian Jews express their support for the people of Israel and Ukrainian refugees in Israel," the Confederation added.

What is happening in Israel

On the morning of October 7, Hamas militants infiltrated Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. At the same time, the militants launched a massive rocket attack on Israeli cities.

According to the latest information, over 100 residents of Israel have been killed as a result of the terrorist attack, and more than 900 have been wounded.

As of now, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have entered all the cities on the border with the Gaza Strip that were seized by Hamas militants today and are conducting clearance operations. They plan to complete the clearance of Israeli territory from militants by the end of Saturday.

You can read all the details of the Hamas attack on Israel online on RBC-Ukraine.

You can learn about Ukraine's and the world's reactions to the events in Israel by following the link.