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Japan plans new sanctions against Russia, prioritizing support for Ukraine - Kishida

Japan plans new sanctions against Russia, prioritizing support for Ukraine - Kishida Photo: Fumio Kishida, Prime Minister of Japan (Vitaly Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Japan is planning new sanctions against the Russian Federation. Supporting Ukraine will remain one of the main priorities this year, according to the Prime Minister Fumio Kishida during an online meeting of G7 leaders.

According to Kishida, it is important today to demonstrate solidarity with Ukraine, as the situation due to prolonged hostilities is challenging. Support for Kyiv will remain one of Tokyo's main priorities this year.

In particular, the Prime Minister spoke about the Japanese-Ukrainian conference on promoting economic growth and reconstruction, which took place in Tokyo on February 19. On that occasion, Kyiv and Tokyo signed over 50 memorandums of cooperation, including those related to landmine clearance and agricultural restoration.

Additionally, he announced plans to impose additional sanctions against Russian individuals and organizations.

"Kishida emphasized that the export of weapons from North Korea to Russia violates UN Security Council resolutions. He stated that the use of North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine is absolutely unacceptable," NHK reported.

Japan's assistance to Ukraine

According to Masato Kandi, Deputy Minister of Finance of Japan for International Affairs, Tokyo will continue to provide timely budget support to Ukraine.

It is also expected that Japan will provide equipment to Ukraine to assist in the energy sector.

On February 16, it became known that the State Budget of Ukraine received part of the grant funds amounting to $49.4 million from the government of Japan under the World Bank project "Housing Repairs for Restoring Rights and Opportunities for People" (HOPE).