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Japan and South Korea report North Korea's launch of ballistic missile

Japan and South Korea report North Korea's launch of ballistic missile Illustrative photo: North Korea launches a ballistic missile (KCNA)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

North Korea launched a ballistic missile overnight on September 18 toward the East Sea. The airborne target fell outside Japan’s exclusive economic zone, according to the South Korean edition of Yonhap News and the Japanese news agency NHK.

According to South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, the missile launch by North Korea was detected on Wednesday. However, no details regarding the ballistic missile from the North were disclosed.

The South Korean military office stated that analysis is ongoing.

Meanwhile, Japan claims that North Korea has again conducted a launch of what appears to be a ballistic missile.

Japanese government officials assert that the missile likely fell outside Japan’s exclusive economic zone, according to NHK.

Yonhap News also reported that, according to state media, North Korea conducted a test of a new 600-mm multiple-launch rocket system last Thursday.

Missile launches in North Korea

It is worth noting that on September 12, reports emerged of North Korea launching several ballistic missiles towards its eastern waters.

The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff reported that the launch occurred on Thursday morning. This was the first missile launch by North Korea in over two months.

South Korean military officials also stated that they detected missiles launched from Pyongyang, which traveled 360 kilometers before landing in waters between the Korean Peninsula and Japan.

Additionally, on September 12, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemned North Korea’s ballistic missile launches, emphasizing that such actions pose a threat to regional peace and stability.