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'It's impressive': US sees Ukraine's successes on battlefield, congresswoman

'It's impressive': US sees Ukraine's successes on battlefield, congresswoman Photo: Abigail Spanberger, member of the US House of Representatives (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The United States of America is impressed that Ukraine has managed to liberate more than half of the occupied territories that Russia has seized since the start of the full-scale invasion, says the member of the House of Representatives Abigail Spanberger at a press conference in Kyiv.

As Spanberger noted, she is proud that the American people support and invest in Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. She is also looking forward to continuing this support.

"We have seen the successes of Ukraine as Ukraine has won back more than 50% of the land that Russia has taken since their invasion two years ago. This is impressive," said the congresswoman.

Bipartisan delegation of US congressmen arrived in Kyiv

Today, February 9, a delegation of American congressmen, including both Democrats and Republicans, arrived in Kyiv. The delegation was led by the House Intelligence Chair, a member of the Republican House of Representatives, Mike Turner. In particular, the delegation included:

  • Republican French Hill;
  • Democrat Abigail Spanberger;
  • Republican Zach Nunn.