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ISW reports on battle results in Russia's Kursk region

ISW reports on battle results in Russia's Kursk region Illustrative photo (RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), citing published geolocation footage, says that Ukrainian armored vehicles have advanced to positions in the Kursk region of Russia about 10 kilometers from the international border.

"Ukrainian forces have made confirmed advances up to 10 kilometers into Russia's Kursk Oblast amid continued mechanized offensive operations on Russian territory on August 7," the report says.

The Institute notes that geolocation footage published on August 6 and 7 shows that Ukrainian armored vehicles have advanced to positions along the 38K-030 route about 10 kilometers from the international border.

It believes that Ukrainian forces have penetrated at least two Russian defense lines and a stronghold.

ISW cites a Russian insider source as saying that Ukrainian forces have seized 45 square kilometers of territory in the Kursk region since August 6. Other Russian sources reported that Ukrainian forces have seized a total of 11 settlements, including Nikolaevo-Daryino, Darino, and Sverdlikovo, and are operating within Lyubimovka (eight kilometers north of the border with the Sumy region).

The Institute also cites Russian sources as saying that Ukrainian troops are trying to advance along the 38K-030 Sudzha-Korenovo highway. A Kremlin-linked blogger claimed that by 6 p.m. local time on August 7, Ukrainian troops had advanced northwest and southeast along the highway and were now fighting on the outskirts of Korenovo and Sudzha.

Also, a Russian insider source and several other Russian sources reported that Ukrainian forces had captured the Sudzha checkpoint and the Sudzha gas distribution station.

"Geolocated imagery posted on August 7 shows that Ukrainian forces captured over 40 Russian prisoners of war (POWs) at the Sudzha checkpoint," the report says.

ISW also cites data voiced by Ukrainian military observer Kostiantyn Mashovets that an unidentified unit of the 71st Motorized Rifle Regiment (58th Combined Arms Army (OGA) of the Southern Military District (Air Defense)) was stationed directly in the Suzha district.

The Chechen units reportedly suffered very heavy losses during the Ukrainian attacks in the Korenovo district on August 7.

Fighting in Kursk region

For the third day in a row, Russian troops have been engaged in clashes with what Russians claim is the Ukrainian army, which has allegedly broken through the border. The Ukrainian side has not yet officially confirmed its Armed Forces' participation in the events.

Read more about the situation in the Kursk region in RBC-Ukraine's article.