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ISW reports number of settlements in Kursk region controlled by Ukrainian army

ISW reports number of settlements in Kursk region controlled by Ukrainian army Ukrainian forces control over 40 settlements in the Kursk region (photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian forces have taken control of 41 settlements in the Kursk region, according to a report by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

According to the report, which cites President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukrainian forces have taken control of 74 settlements in the Kursk region. However, as of August 13, geolocation video monitoring by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) indicates that Ukrainian troops control approximately 41 settlements in the region.

The discrepancy is attributed to the presence of numerous extremely small settlements in the Russian region, as well as some points not accounted for in the count. ISW clarified that these differences do not refute official Ukrainian reports but are rather a result of the Institute's methodological constraints based on open sources and its commitment to using only publicly available information.

"ISW does not assess that Ukrainian forces control all of the territory within the maximalist extent of claimed Ukrainian advances according to the definition of control that ISW uses," the report states.

Key objectives of the operation in the Kursk region

On August 13, President Zelenskyy stated that Ukrainian forces continue to advance in the Kursk region and are increasing Ukraine's exchange fund by capturing Russian soldiers.

He also reported that since June 1, 2024, Russian forces have carried out nearly 2,100 artillery strikes from the Kursk region on the Sumy region. Zelenskyy added that Ukraine's operations in Kursk are aimed at defending the country’s borders from Russian military incursions.

At the same time, Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Spokesperson Heorhiy Tykhyi stated that Ukraine is not interested in seizing territory in the Kursk region. He emphasized that Ukraine’s goal is to defend itself from Russian strikes and to push Russian troops away from border areas used to launch attacks on Ukraine. Tykhyi noted that Ukrainian operations in Kursk hinder Russian military reinforcements to Donetsk and complicate Russian military logistics.

Tykhyi asserted that Ukraine is not violating international law and has the right to defend itself from Russian aggression.

American officials echoed similar sentiments.

White House spokesperson John Kirby and Deputy Spokesperson for the US State Department Vedant Patel, in response to questions about Russia's reaction to Ukrainian operations in the Kursk region, stated on August 12 and 13 that Russia is waging an aggressive war and that a swift resolution to the Ukrainian incursion into Russian territory would involve the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.

Ukraine's operation in the Kursk region

On August 12, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, following a meeting of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, officially announced for the first time that Ukrainian forces had entered the Kursk region to conduct an operation.

According to the General Staff, within a week of the operation, Ukrainian troops managed to take control of 74 settlements in the Kursk region. Meanwhile, DeepState reported the capture of 44 settlements.

Due to the Ukrainian operation, the Russian command is redeploying troops from the Kaliningrad region to Kursk. Additionally, Russia may announce a new mobilization due to a shortage of soldiers.

For more details on the events in the Kursk region, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.