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ISW reports no Ukrainian advance in Kursk region on August 31

ISW reports no Ukrainian advance in Kursk region on August 31 Illustrative photo (getty images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

On Saturday, August 31, Ukrainian forces continued their operations in Russia's Kursk region, though no confirmed advances were reported, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Russian sources claimed that Ukrainian forces were conducting attacks:

  • Southwest of Korenevo, in the area of Komarovka and Krasnooktyabrskoye;
  • South of Korenevo, near Snagost;
  • East of Korenevo, in the area of Matveyevka and Kremyanoye;
  • Northwest of Sudzha, in the area of Bakhtinka and Malaya Loknya;
  • North of Sudzha, near Kamyshevka and Kireyevka;
  • Northeast of Sudzha, in the area of Nechayev and Martynovka;
  • South of Sudzha, near Plekhovo;
  • Southeast of Sudzha, in the area of Borki and Cherkasskaya Konopelka.

Some Russian bloggers claimed that Russian forces pushed Ukrainian troops out of Nizhnyaya Parovaya (northeast of Sudzha), while another blogger described the settlement as a contested gray zone.

Russian sources reported that their forces had regained 1.5 kilometers of territory near Korenyovo and pushed Ukrainian troops out of Nechayev.

Ukrainian forces reported that drones and rocket artillery conducted a joint mission, striking a Russian pontoon crossing over the Seim River, likely in the Glushkovo area.

Reportedly, units from the "Kashtan" detachment (Chechen "Akhmat" Spetsnaz), the "Arbat" detachment (Russian Volunteer Corps), the 1427th Motorized Rifle Regiment (Territorial Troops), and unspecified Ossetian volunteer elements are operating near Nechayev. Additional reports indicate the presence of units from the Russian 810th Naval Infantry Brigade (Black Sea Fleet), 11th and 83rd Airborne (VDV) brigades, 56th VDV Regiment (7th VDV Division), and "Shir" detachment (Russian Volunteer Corps) in the Kursk region.

ISW reports no Ukrainian advance in Kursk region on August 31

photo: Ukrainian incursion into the Kursk region as of August 31, 2024 (ISW map)

According to the latest data, Ukrainian fighters currently control 100 settlements in the Russian region and have captured 594 Russian Federation servicemen.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) suggested that the Russian military command might have redeployed limited units initially designated for strengthening the offensive in the Pokrovsk direction to defend against the Ukrainian incursion in the Kursk region. As a result, the operational pressure from Ukraine’s invasion of the Kursk region is impacting Russian operations across all sectors.