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Israeli airstrike on Beirut: Leader of Hezbollah found dead under rubble

Israeli airstrike on Beirut: Leader of Hezbollah found dead under rubble Photo: (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Yesterday, the Israeli army carried out an airstrike on a Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut, Lebanon. After the strike, the body of the terrorist group’s leader, Fouad Shukr, was found under the rubble, according to Sky News Arabia.

Anonymous sources confirmed that the body of senior Hezbollah military commander Fouad Shukr, who was targeted in the Israeli raid, was found under the rubble.

Meanwhile, Lebanon's Ministry of Health reported that the Israeli attack resulted in the deaths of at least two children and one woman, with 74 others injured.

Yesterday the IDF carried out an airstrike on Beirut. Immediately following the strike, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stated that the Lebanese terrorist group "crossed a red line."

Israel emphasized that the target of the attack on the Lebanese capital was a Hezbollah commander who had previously launched a missile strike on Majdal Shams.

Strike on Majdal Shams

This Saturday, Hezbollah terrorists struck the city of Majdal Shams. The attack hit a football field, resulting in numerous victims and casualties. Over 10 people were killed and another 30 were injured.

Read more about how events are developing in the Middle East and whether they will escalate into a larger war in the material by RBC-Ukraine.