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Israel respondes to the UN Security Council resolution on Gaza

Israel respondes to the UN Security Council resolution on Gaza Israel's permanent representative to the UN Gilad Erdan (photo: GettyImages)

Israel considers the UN Security Council resolution on the implementation of humanitarian pauses in the Gaza Strip detached from reality, according to the meeting of the UN Security Council.

Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN, Gilad Erdan, stated that Jerusalem is making every effort to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza, and the UN has yet to condemn the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7.

"The Security Council has just passed a resolution that, unfortunately, is detached from reality on the ground. The resolution focuses solely on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, yet makes no mention of what led up to this moment," said Erdan.

Situation in the Gaza Strip

In early October, Hamas militants launched a large-scale invasion into Israel. During the attack, they killed and abducted both military and civilian residents. In response, Israel declared the commencement of Operation Iron Swords against the terrorists.

During this period, the Israel Defense Forces successfully gained control of Gaza, the largest city in the Gaza Strip. They also seized government buildings in the city, including the parliament.

Meanwhile, The Washington Post recently reported that the Israeli government and Hamas are close to reaching an agreement for the release of dozens of hostages.