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Israel kills senior operative in Hamas weapons development unit

Israel kills senior operative in Hamas weapons development unit Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

The Israeli military killed an operative who served as a senior engineer and unit head in Hamas’ projects and development department, report Israel Defense Forces.

Israel eliminated Mahmud Sabih, a senior militant of the terrorist organization Hamas, who held the position of senior engineer and head of the projects and developments unit within the Hamas organization.

"The department operated in order to increase Hamas' weapons capabilities, exchanging knowledge with terrorist organization across the Middle East," says the post.

It is also reported that Sabih operated to facilitate the transfer of information for Hamas in weapons production and UAVs.

Hamas' attack on Israel and the war

On October 7, militants from the Hamas group invaded Israeli territory. During a large-scale attack, they fired upon and abducted civilians, with terrorists publishing videos of their atrocities on social media.

After this, Israel launched a military operation against Hamas called Operation Iron Swords. The Israel Defense Forces successfully expelled the militants from the country. The next stage may involve a ground operation in the Gaza Strip.

Israel Defense Forces have already conducted raids into the Gaza Strip, during which a terrorist group was eliminated. However, they did not enter deep into the territory.

On October 19, the head of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Yoav Gallant, promised the soldiers that they would 'soon see the Gaza Strip from inside'.