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Israel called on its citizens to immediately leave certain countries: List

Israel called on its citizens to immediately leave certain countries: List The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu (photo: Getty Images)

Israel has called on its citizens to refrain from traveling to a number of countries due to a significant increase in anti-Semitic sentiments and threats of violence towards Jews. Among these countries are Egypt and Morocco, according to the National Security Council at the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel.

In the National Security Council, they have noted an increase in threats to Israeli citizens in a number of Arab countries and Middle Eastern states.

"Due to the ongoing conflict, we have witnessed a significant rise in anti-Israel protests in various countries worldwide, particularly in Arab countries in the Middle East. Hostility and violence are being directed against Jewish and Israeli symbols. The rhetoric of global jihad has become more radical, calling for harm to Israelis and Jews worldwide," stated the National Security Council.

Among the countries specifically affected:

  • Egypt,

  • Jordan,

  • Morocco,

  • Turkey,

  • United Arab Emirates,

  • Bahrain,

  • Malaysia,

  • Bangladesh,

  • Indonesia,

  • Maldives.

Ізраїль закликав своїх громадян негайно покинути деякі країни: список

Photo: Map (Media)

For Egypt, including the Sinai Peninsula, and Jordan, the threat level is set at Level 4 (high threat), which means that Israeli citizens should avoid traveling to these countries, and those already in these areas are recommended to depart as soon as possible.

Morocco has a Level 3 threat level, meaning travel to this country should be avoided unless it's absolutely necessary.

In the case of the Maldives, it is not recommended to travel without prior notification for a trip, and for other countries, even with prior notification, travel is discouraged.

What proceeded this

On October 7, Hamas militants infiltrated Israeli territory, leading to Israel launching an operation against HAMAS. The next phase could potentially involve a ground operation in the Gaza Strip.

An IDF spokesperson indicated preparations for a new stage in the conflict, which may last for several weeks.

Additionally, on October 20, HAMS released two American hostages, Judith and Natalie Raanan. President Biden acknowledged the efforts of American officials in securing their release.

Today, a crossing point called Rafah between the Gaza Strip and Egypt became operational. However, only 20 trucks with humanitarian aid were allowed through. Foreign nationals were unable to be evacuated through this crossing.