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Is there a threat of missile strikes from the Black Sea - Ukrainian Navy's response

Is there a threat of missile strikes from the Black Sea - Ukrainian Navy's response Photo: Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesperson for the Ukrainian Navy (

Currently, Russia maintains a Project 636 Varshavyanka, submarine in the Black Sea, which reportedly carries up to 3 Kalibr cruise missiles, says Dmytro Pletenchuk, the head of the Strategic Communications Center of the Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine, during a Telemarafon broadcast

Black Sea

According to Pletenchuk, the enemy deployed one Kalibr missile during yesterday's shelling. Based on available information, this was one of the four missiles aboard the submarine. Presumably, up to three cruise missiles are still retained.

"In essence, the enemy has chosen a tactic of presence in the Black Sea primarily through submarines, regardless of whether they are carriers or not. Currently, they are only present in this format," Pletenchuk explained.

Sea of Azov

The head of the Strategic Communications Center of the Southern Defense Forces mentioned that the enemy maintains surface ships in the Sea of Azov. Currently, there are 8 units stationed there, including:

  • 3 missile carriers;
  • 3 large landing ships.

Presumably, they are deployed there for training purposes.

"However, an important point is that they probably feel safer there, especially considering that they effectively blend in with civilian vessels, and given that there aren't as many routes in the Azov Sea. They navigate along with civilian traffic," he clarified.

How many Kalibrs does Russia have

In early April, Vadym Skibitskyi, a representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense, stated that as of that moment, the Russian Federation had accumulated about 260 cruise missiles. According to him, terrorists were planning to produce approximately 30 units per month.