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Is it beneficial to go to gym with makeup on

Is it beneficial to go to gym with makeup on Does the skin suffer from makeup in the gym (Screenshot)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Some women wear makeup even when exercising in the gym. But is it harmful to the skin? Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology discusses this topic.

Training with makeup on

Dongsun Park, author of the study from the Korea National University of Education, believes that for skin health, it is best to exercise without makeup.

The study, which involved 43 participants, found that compared to skin without makeup, skin covered with foundation showed an increase in "skin moisture levels.”

This means that sweat does not evaporate on the skin with makeup on.

"The findings suggest that using foundation cream during aerobic exercise can reduce skin oil, causing dryness. Additionally, makeup can clog pores and increase sebum production,” the study says.

Dr. Justine Hextall, a consultant dermatologist at La Roche-Posay, said that such conditions can lead to acne after using makeup in the gym.

The doctor explained that blocked pores can look white and uneven if the comedones contain oil that is not exposed to the air.

The pores become inflamed over time and result in acne on the skin.

Cosmetics with a thick and oily base are the worst choice during exercise. They block sweat and sebum, which leads to blackheads and pimples. Therefore, it is worth giving up from thick creams and powders.