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Is decaffeinated coffee worth drinking and who shouldn't drink it

Is decaffeinated coffee worth drinking and who shouldn't drink it Is decaf coffee worth drinking and what are its benefits (photo: Freepik)

Some people decide to give up caffeine or are advised to do so by their doctors. However, it is very difficult to give up the habit of drinking coffee, so they choose decaf coffee options. RBC-Ukraine tells whether you should drink such coffee and what are its benefits, citing the explanations of Dr. Yurii Gaborets.

Decaffeinated coffee is made from coffee beans from which at least 96% of the caffeine has been removed using technology. For example, the beans are washed in a special solution, treated with carbon dioxide, or put through a special carbon filter.

The nutritional value of the coffee does not change, and the taste and smell may become milder. Such coffee contains about 3 mg of caffeine per cup. Note that a regular drink contains 70 to 140 mg of caffeine.

According to the doctor, if you have decided to give up caffeine but find it difficult to give up your coffee-drinking habit, this will be a good choice. Because such coffee will not cause insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, or palpitations.

He advises choosing only high-quality decaffeinated beverages and explains how to teach your body not to need caffeine at all. In addition, Yurii Gaborets recommends switching from decaf to safer drinks over time.

“The safest method of decaffeination is with liquid carbon dioxide. And over time, you can switch to chicory, cocoa, because decaffeinated coffee is not addictive. But it still increases gastric secretion and leaches calcium from the bones. But if you limit yourself to one or two cups a day, there will be no harm,” the expert notes.

Decaffeinated coffee is not recommended for people with stomach problems, people taking pills that cannot be combined with caffeine, and pregnant women.

We also talked about what will happen to your body if you give up alcohol completely.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.