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What will happen if you give up alcohol completely

What will happen if you give up alcohol completely RBC-Ukraine collage
Author: Maria Kholina

Alcohol is harmful to health, and everyone knows that. But that doesn't stop people from having a glass or two of wine with dinner, beer on weekends, or a large amount of various drinks at parties and special events.

Read about how your body will change if you completely give up alcohol, according to Fit for Fun.

You'll sleep better

When we sleep, we have time to recover to prepare for the next day. Alcohol in the evenings can have a sedative effect and initially induce a pleasant fatigue in us. We fall into bed after a lively party and drift off.

But as soon as the body tries to metabolize alcohol, an unsettled night begins because the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase is disrupted. If we continue to wake up at night due to alcohol in our bloodstream, there can be no talk of alertness and energy the next day.

And if you abstain from alcohol altogether, your nights will be peaceful, and you'll feel well-rested, refreshed, and full of energy in the morning. And this effect comes very quickly, within two weeks of abstaining.

Your immune system will work better

People who consume alcohol are more prone to respiratory illnesses, have poorer wound healing, and are more likely to get blood infections.

As research from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism shows, alcohol weakens immune barriers, making it easier for viruses and bacteria to penetrate our bodies.

But there's good news: your immune system will start to recover the moment you stop drinking alcohol.

Your skin will become clearer

The appearance of your skin can significantly deteriorate due to excessive alcohol consumption or frequent drinking. This is related to processes in your body because alcohol slows down metabolism, preventing detoxification processes, which can lead to acne appearing on your face.

But if instead of a glass of beer or wine with dinner, you drink a glass of refreshing water, your cells will be flushed out, stimulating detoxification processes.

As a result, your skin looks cleaner, more radiant, dark circles under the eyes disappear, and wrinkles formation decreases.

Your appetite will decrease

If you stop drinking alcohol, you'll avoid cravings for food and for alcohol itself. According to American research, alcohol consumption increases brain activity, making the smell of food much more intense.

The desire for food also increases. Moreover, alcoholic drinks often contain many calories, sugar, and fats. Therefore, no amount of alcohol will help you shed a few extra pounds from your hips.

You will reduce risk of cancer

If you stop drinking alcohol, your risk of developing cancer will also decrease. Numerous studies indicate that alcohol is one of the substances that contribute to oncology.

Alcohol is considered a provoking factor for oral and throat cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, and possibly stomach cancer, and in women, breast cancer too.

According to research from the University of Cambridge, alcohol contributes to the development of cancerous tumors through the intermediate product acetaldehyde, which is formed during alcohol metabolism in the body.

This substance not only causes us a headache the next day after a party but also attacks our DNA. This can lead to the mutation of stem cells and the formation of carcinomas.

Whether it's a glass of red wine or a whole bottle - this happens even if you consume only a small amount of alcohol. And the risk increases with each additional glass.

We've previously written about what happens to the liver when you consume alcohol.

And we've also talked about how long it takes for the brain to fully recover after alcohol consumption.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.