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Irish Prime Minister Varadkar resigns

Irish Prime Minister Varadkar resigns Photo: Prime Minister of Ireland Leo Varadkar (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar announced on Wednesday, March 20, that he will step down from his post, informs Reuters.

According to him, the coalition government of the country will have a better chance of being re-elected under a different leader.

"My reasons for stepping down are both personal and political. But after careful consideration, and some soul searching, I believe that a new Taoiseach (prime minister) and a new leader will be better placed than me to achieve (the coalition government's re-election)," Varadkar said at a press conference at government buildings in Dublin.

Varadkar said he had asked his party, Fine Gael, to elect a new leader ahead of its annual conference on April 6. Then, the parliament will vote on the candidacy of this person for the position of prime minister after the party returns from Easter recess on April 9. The vote is expected to take place before March 2025.

Candidates for the position of Prime Minister of Ireland

The favorite is considered to be the Minister for Higher Education, Simon Harris. He also served as Minister for Health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Among other contenders are:

    • Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe;
    • Minister for Justice Helen McEntee.

"The problem is that there is no natural stand out, one of the problems of being in power for so long is that all of them come with the baggage of longevity in office," said David Farrell, professor of politics at University College Dublin.

Assistance from Ireland to Ukraine

Earlier, we reported that Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, together with US President Joe Biden, discussed further support for Ukraine.

We also reported that housing will be built for Ukrainians in another region of Ireland.

Ireland will increase the amount of housing for Ukrainian refugees.